Types of yoga: Let's learn about traditional and modern yoga!
because it divided into many types of yoga in the traditional and modern yoga
guess you room to select the type of yoga is good to
* Types of traditional yoga *
Traditional yoga is based on Indian yoga scriptures speak of a program
means such as breathing, meditation, worship of God is done with the yoga.
It can be said that it is a practice method through self-reflection and purification of mind and body. Among
them, Mantra Yoga, Hatta Yoga, and Raja Yoga are also practiced in modern times.
Traditional yoga is a yoga method that focuses mostly on meditation and breathing .
1. Mantra Yoga
Mantra yoga is a yoga that gives the
body and mind the power of the sound by singing a specific sound
and exerts the power outside.
It purifies the mind and body using sounds such as'Om' and'Ommani Banmehum'.
2. Karma Yoga
Karma means'karma'.
It is said that the Karma Yoga idea is not to pursue actions for one's own interests, but
to sublimate the obligations given to them to the universal level, which means to
escape from reincarnation.
3. Bhakti Yoga
Bakti yoga is
a yoga that purifies one's own body and mind by giving love, devotion, and service to the Absolute or others .
4. Jnana Yoga
Zunana Yoga is a yoga of learning, wisdom, and knowledge, and because
human suffering arises from ignorance
it is said that it aims to escape from suffering and reach enlightenment through a stop (right-knowledge) .
In addition
, it is yoga to gain insight into truth and falsehood and wisdom of enlightenment by studying the scriptures for the sake of stillness, science, religion, and philosophy .
5. Hatha Yoga
Hatha Yoga is
a yoga that restores human vitality through diet, fasting, and meditation.
6. Raja Yoga
Raja Yoga means that it is the king of all yoga and is
practiced mainly in meditation, and through meditation, it is
a yoga that seeks peace of mind, gains wisdom, and pursues the level of liberation.
* Types of modern yoga *
1.Healing Yoga
As the most common and popular type of yoga
, it is composed of a healing focus that can be easily encountered by anyone of all ages, and
is recommended for those who are new to yoga or those who are very stiff.
In particular, it helps to smooth the circulation of air and blood
throughout the body to remove wastes, toxins, and turbidity from the
body, and has an excellent effect in correcting a wrong body due to a wrong habit.
2. Hot Yoga
With a temperature of 38℃ and a humidity of 60%, this yoga is practiced in accordance with India's unique environment. A
total of 26 movements and 2 breathing methods are used.
+ 26 movements
Half moon posture, standing and bent forward posture,
chair posture, eagle posture, standing and kneeling,
bow pull posture, T-shape
posture, bipedal forward flexion posture, triangular posture, lean forward posture,
tree posture, Standing on tiptoe posture, full resting posture,
deflation posture, upper body raising, cobra posture,
grasshopper posture, full grasshopper posture, bow posture,
lying down Geumgang posture, anti-turtle posture, camel posture,
rabbit posture, upper body tilting posture, sitting forward flexion Posture, waist twist
And the two breathing methods are line breathing and brain breathing.
Zen breathing method, also called pranayama breathing method, is
a breathing method when starting hot yoga . It is a breathing method that increases
body's body temperature by increasing lung capacity and supplying sufficient oxygen to the blood .
Brain breathing is called the Kabalvati breathing method and is
performed at the very end of hot yoga.
Breathing in and exhaling quickly in a sitting position
improves blood circulation in the brain and clears the head.
Because hot yoga is performed at high temperatures,
muscles are well relaxed, maximizing movement performance and
low risk of injury.
It is also a representative yoga that is effective for dieting because it can release a lot of sweat.
It's said that 350 to 600 calories are consumed when exercising for about 1 hour and 30 minutes.
3. Power Yoga
is a yoga with powerful movements that can increase muscle strength by breaking away from the traditional soft stretching posture and the concept of quiet meditation .
Weight training aims to increase the strength and energy of the body.Power
Yoga is linked to body posture, mindset, and breathing to increase
lung capacity, endurance, muscle strength, and flexibility, and
correct posture immediately, as well as
elasticity of the whole body. It strengthens the balance and is effective in diet.
4. Vinyasa Yoga
Binyasa means'to flow' or'to connect'.
Binyasa yoga is
a yoga that requires balance and concentration because it is performed by connecting movements and movements like flowing water .
Breathing also continues continuously from the beginning to the end of the training.
5. Pilates Yoga
Pilates is
an exercise method that trains muscles through repeated movements using various tools .
Pilates yoga is literally a combination of pilates and yoga, and it has the effect of correcting posture and strengthening muscle strength as well as flexibility by properly combining the movements that
give the flexibility of yoga and
the strength exercises of pilates
6. Flying Yoga
Nowadays a popular yoga types
Literally, leaving yourself in a hammock hanging in the air
Because it is a movement, it is possible to perform the movement of high difficulty and
is not boring every time , so it
is good for people who are skilled in dynamic posture and to some degree in yoga.
In particular, it is helpful in correcting body shape and is very helpful in diet.
Yoga has been constantly changing and developing.
Most of the yoga is thought to be a static exercise, but
traditional yoga is also constantly being developed and changed to suit the tastes of modern people.
Power Yoga and Modern Yoga Yoga is like flying
because the physical consumption is very large positions are more dynamic exercise
is effective to hold the balance of the body with the breath.
If you think that yoga is simple and easy, and challenge yourself, you can rent it!